Monday, June 25, 2012


As you can see this post is long overdue. As I have stated in my previous postings that I am not much of a writer nor am I good at keeping up with things. Jasmine's surgery went well and for about 2 months she did spectacular but at the beginning of May everything has went down hill and there has been nothing but complication after complication. She has had 4 surgeries since Feb and 3 hospital stays. As of now she is in a SPICA body cast due to falling and fractured and bent the new bone that grew in. She is as of now confined to a bed or reclining wheelchair. I have to do just about everything for her. This has been one emotional roller coaster ride. I sat back the first couple of months because things were going so smoothely. I thought this is so easy...a piece of cake. Then things went haywire. That's when God told me that he would get us through this but he didn't promise me that it would be easy. He told me to be patient and trust in him. I don't know what's in store next but I'm still praising him through this rough patch. This is just temporary. And just when I started feeling sorry for myself and how hard this ride has been, I seen a post on Facebook from a friend that someone she knew passed away last night from cancer. I did not know this lady at all but she had a caringbridge page that she kept up to date. Her name was Laura and she was 37 years old and has been fighting breast cancer for the past 5 years. She had 3 young kids. I started reading her journal and I can tell you what an inspiration her words and thoughts have been to me in the few hours that I have been reading it. Isn't it funny that God knows exactly what we need in out time of need. Through everything this family has been through they still loved God wholeheartedly. Wow...just brings chills to my skin. As I said Laura passed away last night. Not only is her husband suffering from her loss, his mom has been fighting. Cancer as well. I can't even imagine what this family has been through. And I thought I had it bad. I prayed for her husband this morning that he will find strength through God to make it through it. That's he doesn't turn bitter and angry and that his faith will always remain. You can pray for this family too. Please stop by and leave a message of courage on the guestbook. And if you have time through the journal. Some strong powerful words to live by that I will always carry with me.

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