Thursday, September 22, 2011


I have never been the one to blog much. I LOVE reading all kind of blogs but blogging myself has never really been on my agenda. I guess that I find that I just don't have much time to keep up with it or I even forget to post. I have had this blog over the past 2 to 3 years and Maybe have only posted a couple of times. Last week we learned some devastating news about our daughter and in the next couple of months we are going to go through trials that we have never be through before. So I thought what better way to come back to blogging to get my feelings out and to keep family and friends updated.

 A little background of our precious daughter.........Jasmine was born Sept 16, 2004. The day my world changed for the good. She was our first child and we were thrilled. She was the most beautiful-list baby I had ever seen. She was perfect. We did notice right away that she only had 4 toes on her left foot. We didn't think much of it. A small birth big deal. God made her special. Her check-up at the hospital before we was send home, our ped was checking her over and pulled on her legs to make sure everything was ok. I have seen this done many times. The ped noticed that her left leg was shorter than her right and that her left foot was a little smaller than her right foot. At 2 weeks old they sent us for a scan to rule out Hip Dysplasia. Her hips was fine. They sent us to a child orthopedic where we learned the news that our daughter was born with Leg Length Discrepancy. There really wasn't much of a huge difference to really wear any type brace or anything. For the past 7 years we have had once a year check ups with her orthopedic. We always thought that she would have one surgery done where they go in and put a temp plate to stunt the bone of her right leg so her left leg will grow. Once the left leg was grown and her knees matched, they would take the temp plate out and she would be normal. In our eyes of course, she has always been normal. She has always played any sport or done anything that she has wanted to do. We have kept her life normal as possible and have never put any type limitations on her. Last week, we went for our yearly visit with the orthopedic. I walked in thinking, this visit will be just like the past ones. Any change the doctor asked? Nope, I have not noticed any. She plays sports, she is doing great. WAS I WRONG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!. They took her yearly x-rays and in he walks. Big Change. We are now up to 3.5cm. Her left leg isn't growing like we want it to. So he gave us an option of having other surgeries done than what we planned or she will only be 4'9 when she is grown and will walk with a limp. We also learned that her left foot is starting to grow in and her ankle bone is starting to grow out. We decided that in January she will have her first surgery out of 4.They will do the Fibula bone first. They will put on an external device (click for link)to lengthen the bone. She will wear the device for 4 to 6 months and then afterwards she will go through a rehabilitation process. She will not be allowed to go to school for the rest of the school year. Then when she is 10 they will go back in and do the tibia bone. Same surgery. Then if those are successful then they will go in with a plate and stunt the growth of her right leg so the left will continue to grow and her knees and hips will be aligned. Then the last step is her foot to help it to grow straight. My head is still spinning over the news. I know that I should be grateful(which BTW I am) that she is still here with us and that this is something that can be fixed. I am still coping on how I am going to watch my baby girl go through this hurt and pain and all I can do is be there. I can't take any of it away. My heart is so heavy and hurting for her right now. Please continue to pray for her. Please pray for a miracle for my baby girl.


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